jueves, 3 de enero de 2008

Se encuentra paz

Friday, November 02, 2007

Luego de tanto pensar en sin numero de cosas puedo sorprenderme a mi, y no pense que me fuera a pasar asi, que no importando las cosas tristes, frustrantes e inciertas que se piensen, puedo encontrar paz. Y es que cuando no se tiene respuesta cierta a que hacerse con esta vida, logras entender que la belleza de ello es que puedes hacer tanto quieras.No voy a decir que se logra solo con decidirlo, pues la toma de desiciones es de las cosas mas dificiles que te puedas enfrentar, pero si se logra simplemente viviendo un dia a la vez. Teniendo en cuenta que lo que me aturdia ayer no tiene que ser mi realidad de hoy y mucho menos de manana. Que lo que siempre quize ha estado siempre esperandome a que lo tome y haga mio. Y tambien me di cuenta de que no se debe tampoco tener prisa para vivir. Debemos hacer las cosas a nuestro paso, en nuestro tiempo, y no en el tiempo de otros, por que asi no te harias feliz, por que no se debe sentir presion para amar ni para vivir, por que son cosas que solo se dan y que fluyen naturalmente. Escuche alguna vez que todos vamos a morir pero que sin embargo no todos vivimos. Estaremos haciendo algo de esta vida? Y no me refiero solo a una carrera o a coleccionar cosas materiales,sino que estamos verdaderamente felices con quienes somos? Con lo que hacemos? Con lo que dejamos de hacer? Yo se que yo quiero mas. Quiero explorar mis posibilidades a la felicidad, quiero luchar por ella, quiero dejar de ser cobarde, de querer estar siempre tan segura que me restrinja el lograr ser una persona libre. Hoy quiero tantas cosas, por una vez saber lo que quiero e ir a su busqueda, el no ser tan cambiante ni tampoco tan conformista, y fianalmente explotar todo eso que se que tengo en mi que puedo dar y que no doy por un cansancio desesperante que provoca el sufrimiento por las malas desiciones, o por las que no se tomaron, por lo que debo realizar, tranquila, en paz y estar en armonia con mi sentir y no negarlo mas.No habria sentido en eso, a muchos podemos enganar, pero seria solo una estupidez tratarnos de enganar a nosotros mismos, a nuestro sentir y a nuestros mas profundos deseos. Helo ahí el peor de los castigos que pudieramos recibir en nuestras propias manos.

As simple as that

Monday, November 05, 2007

And that's how we human are, always trying to figure out everything, trying to seek the truth.We always want the reasons why, we even try to search for something to believe in.Phylosophy, religion, poetry, love, happiness, truth, rightiousness, you name it we have searched for all. The thing is that I wonder why we search for answers when we have it in front of us. Is so easy to reach by just extending your arms. By now you must know the answer, that answer is God.He is all phylosophy we need, he is the truth that we seek.He is the definition of love, justice and happiness.And no we cannot "pack" God in that little box of religion because He is so much more than that.I love God and through Him I love others, there's no shame on that.Because of Him I am the way I am, He made me better, He made me wonderful, He made me successful in everything I do. I can't take credit for it, it was all His doing, and there will be much more than that, of His blessings, for me, for my family, for my frinds which I pray for before Him. We are humans, we make mistakes, we'll never be perfect, but regardless of that God loves us still.I've never meet a love so perfect and so forgiving as that One.God, as you talk to me I answered back, thank you for hearing me and blessing me, I can't get tired of saying that I love you back.And as for you my friend reading this I'll just have to say that God's love is so wonderful and you are as lucky as I am if you have Him in your life. :D

I'm ready

Monday, December 03, 2007

Everything is fine now, 'cause I'm ready.To let go, to move on, to be happy, to forget it all.I'm ready to stop fighting against it, to stop searching for answers, to stop wanting what I am tired of asking.Oh yes I'm ready to go foward, to smile, to stop worring so much about it, to keep on feeling.I am ready to be there, to stop fearing, to be myself, to accept my destiny.I am ready to quit us, to stop using that word, to not include a you to my me.And now we can finally get along because I am ready! Are you?


Saturday, December 08, 2007

Take a look, I'm here, I've always been.
Extend your arm, I promise I'll grab your hand
so tightly not to let go.
Don't hide any longer your face from mine,
don't let your love turn into anger.
Don't be afraid, stop running away,
you can rest over my chest,
STAY, under my face that would be attently watching yours.
Cry for once and for all, all your fears, tell me about
how you thought we lost us.
Then raise your head slowly, search for my eyes,
for the answer you've always wanted.
Drawn your tears in my lips, feel the passion
and kiss me as if your
breath was taken all away for a minute.
Let your soul be one with me, and feel my heart beat
telling you I love you.
Then stop, get into yourself again and
discover the wonder that we had always being.
Just for this I ask, STOP!
Admire the wonder that we always could've be.
And if you have to wonder about anything else
go ahead and wonder why haven't you give in to this?

It rains

I don't have to tell you how I feel 'cause you already know. And it rains...And yet I can't stand your angry, careless and satisfied face when you made me cry once again.Tired, restless, calm I don't care for any answers.Sometimes the sadness is combined with the rage for leting you hurt me, when I promised myself not to let it happen ever again.it rains.How come everything come first than me, first than us?How come you be so selfish and extremily love yourself so...Couldn't really do anything for you to understand, you seem to love your anger and your reasons so badly, not to let them go.But instead you quit the thing you swear to love the most.How can I ever understand you if I can't really have you, not like this.Why do you fail to see what you have with me? Time passes by, it doesn't matter what happened before, it just matters now, it matters you and I, but you just don't care anymore.Today it rains in my heart because you fail to see what many others wished they could have, they could love,they could share with, they could see... it's ME!

But u...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Just know that you were my one priority,my one and only wish, the love I wanted to have.But you just couldn't see it.Know that I was capable of many things, that you might not imagine,all for you and me. But you wouldn't believe it.Know that I did love you, that I wanted to try everything possible for us to be together, for us to be ok. But you wouldn't let me.Know that I'm heartbroken and still I wish for this, but you cut our wings.Know so much more, that I am, that I could be,where I can stand, but u...there's always a but you.


No todo está perfecto en mi vida en estos momentos, de hecho esta muy lejos de serlo, pero hoy en estos momentos me siento feliz.Tengo sentimientos encontrados, diversos y contradictorios.Siento decepción, me siento herida, tambien cansada y vencida. Pero también me siento enamorada, ilusionada, llena de todo y de nada. Pienso mucho, a toda velocidad cosas buenas cosas malas, opciones y sueños, pienso en los deseos más profundos de mi ser.Y quiero tantas cosas y oro y pido por ellas. Y vivo,mal y bien, y sigo un camino que no se si seguir, que puedo cambiar aun quedándome o y;endome.Y disfruto hasta del dolor por que estoy viva, lo puedo sentir.Y suspiro por este amor incompleto que vive en mí,que llena mi pecho cuando inhalo y me deja adolorida al exhalarlo.Y así vivo tan intensamente cada momento sin saber ni que hacer aveces, pero sintiendo cada emoción, cada toque de mis sentidos, viviendo en calma y a la vez encerrada en mí esa euforia, que me hace vibrar.Dentro yace la ilusión del mañana,el sufrimiento del morir de hoy quriéndolo o no,y el recuerdo decepcionante del ayer.Calma es lo que deberia tener, y vivir esa ilusión por completo, que pudiera llenar y saciar el deseo de sentirme correspondida.